
AIOD - it was crazy, busy and successful!

Parents, students, & staff:

If you remember at AIOD (All-in-One-Day), the Foundation asked for a suggested $100 donation per student. Some people chose to donate more and some people chose to donate less, we were happy and pleased with all that was received! As a matter of fact we had a significant increase in our AIOD total and we are happy to report we raised over:

$20,000 and still counting

We'll supply an official number when all the monies are in. It's never to late to donate, so if you forgot, ran out of checks, or didn't bring your credit card...we accept donations all year.

The Foundation has become an important cornerstone of the PHE school community and the services offered to our students. Our fund raisers bring in money to pay for classroom aides, computer lab instructor, and K-3rd PE instructors and MARE as well as other needs.

Big thanks to all the new families, parents, grandparents, & guardians for your generous contributions!!!!