
Budget Cuts

Dear PHE Families and Community,

Many parents have expressed concern about the recent cuts in school funding and have also asked what, if anything, is being done to address shortfalls.

Over the past month, the Pleasant Hill Elementary Education Foundation (PHEEF) and Principal Voris have had on-going communication about the ever-changing budget situation and budget impacts on PHE education. Budget directives from MDUSD and the state are still being finalized and the implications are still being sorted out at each school. We don’t know the exact needs for the '09/'10 year, but we do know that the needs will be greater than before.

We are sending this letter now to allow families time to budget for increased All-in-One Day contributions to PHEEF in August and to assure the parents of PHE, the Foundation will work with Mrs. Voris to evaluate and prioritize upcoming needs. We will continue to preserve our strong presence at PHE made possible through your generous donations.

Thank you to our PHE community and parents for supporting PHE and making it one of the outstanding elementary schools in the district.

Feel free to leave us comments, ideas and suggestions.