
Budget Cuts

Dear PHE Families and Community,

Many parents have expressed concern about the recent cuts in school funding and have also asked what, if anything, is being done to address shortfalls.

Over the past month, the Pleasant Hill Elementary Education Foundation (PHEEF) and Principal Voris have had on-going communication about the ever-changing budget situation and budget impacts on PHE education. Budget directives from MDUSD and the state are still being finalized and the implications are still being sorted out at each school. We don’t know the exact needs for the '09/'10 year, but we do know that the needs will be greater than before.

We are sending this letter now to allow families time to budget for increased All-in-One Day contributions to PHEEF in August and to assure the parents of PHE, the Foundation will work with Mrs. Voris to evaluate and prioritize upcoming needs. We will continue to preserve our strong presence at PHE made possible through your generous donations.

Thank you to our PHE community and parents for supporting PHE and making it one of the outstanding elementary schools in the district.

Feel free to leave us comments, ideas and suggestions.


Unknown said...

It would be great if we could create a Facebook group for PHEEF, and tie some kind of automatic payments to it (PayPal).

I know that it would be easier for relatives that are not in the direct PH area to get involved if there is an easy way to find information, keep up-to-date, and donate money.

Also it would be great to break down goals like "if X families donate $y we will fund one Teacher Assistant" etc. It's easier to get people to donate if there is something to reach for, and also that is achievable.

Tara Campbell said...

Camilla thank you for your feedback yes we will be looking into paypal.

We would also agree that it is easier to donate knowing the goals. Generally by March of each year we have a pretty solid idea of what we are funding for the next school. However, the budget cut fallout hasn't ended, so we have been waiting for a clear picture of what next year holds for us as a school and as a Foundation.

We've begun discussions with Voris as to what our needs might be next year. There is still a lot to figure out with school budgets, and the impact to the school, classes and our children. We will do our best to keep the community updated via the blog & possibly facebook - thanks for that suggestion too. Clearly there is more to come and more to be done.

Lucky for us at PHE we have an awesome parent base & community. Personally, I feel fortunate to be at PHE. Certainly PHE will be affected by these enormous budget cuts but what we have going for us is our tight community.

Michelle said...

As my daughter is entering first grade in the fall, my biggest concern is the elimination of the class size reductions. Would it be possible to do an all out campaign to raise enough funds (early) to target that issue and actually fund PHE teacher(s) salaries? I know there are a number of families who would be willing (and are able) to contribute much more.

uni said...

It's been commented, however I agree, a Paypal link would really allow more grandparents, family and friends donate from across the states.

I also agree with stating the goals. Posting a tally, like the Pleasant Hill School Foundation does is encouraging and reminds people (like me) to continue giving time and money.

Lastly, how can we combine the efforts of the PTA, 4th grade funding and 5th grade funding and Outdoor Ed fundraising so that as one school we can best be effective with fewer, more effective fundraisers throughout the year?

Thanks for all the hard work and dedictation! It's greatly appreciated.