
More Auction Donation Ideas

Found this list online at www.bidforkids.com. We take no credit for this list of ideas but still thought it was worth the post.

1. Holiday Helper - Winner receives family photo session for Xmas card taken by donor, address and mail Xmas Cards (stamps included), wrap Xmas gifts, plate of Xmas cookies and hot cocoa for the winning family to enjoy.
2. Business Start Up Package - (sample idea for a $400 value package) - Winner receives 1 yr membership to Chamber of Commerce, 500 business cards, 1 hr consultation with accountant, $50 Office Depot gift certificate.
3. Sunday Brunch at a Rock City (Mt. Diablo) – (sample idea) - Donor meets 3 winning families at a Rock City on Mt Diablo. Donor provides food (continental breakfast, snacks and water) guides a short hike, organizes play and climbing at Rock City.
4. Gourmet Concert in the Park – (sample idea) - there are several cities (Pleasant Hill included) that have free summer concerts that are ton of fun. Donor selects the concert date and site for party of Donor arrives to venue early to set up prime spot and provides seating, blankets, gourmet appetizers and wine.
5. Gourmet Meals in a Pinch – Everyone has one day each week where the kids schedule is so crazy it’s nearly impossible to get a home cooked meal made. This is a sample idea for 3 donors who love to cook. Each donor contributes 4 already made entrees that can be frozen and reheated. This will give the winner a meal a week to pop in the oven to use when in a pinch. In total, the winner will get a 3 month supply of meals.
6. National Park Package – (sample idea)- Donor provides a national park family pass, hiking book, maps, REI gift certificate, trail mix, water bottles.
7. Free Ad Space – This would be a great win for those who have their own business. See if local publications will donate ad space ie- Diablo Magazine, Pleasant Hill Community paper or other local publications.
8. Bagels in Bed – (sample idea) – Donor provides winner with a bag of hot bagels, cream cheese and hot coffee delivered to their door on the first Saturday of the month for 3 months.
9. PHE Families with Connections- Do you know anyone who could donate? An aunt, uncle, friend, neighbor??
10. Season Ticket Holders – Any PHE families with season tickets who can donate tickets to one game/match?
11. Airline Miles – Donor to donate frequent flier miles.
12. Mom’s Morning Off – (sample package) - Donor provides 4 hrs of babysitting, gift certificate for a mani/pedi, gift certificate to lunch at a downtown restaurant, basket of teas or lotions.
13. The $5000 Party. 5 hosts each pay $200. 50 attendees pay $100 each. Food, drinks, & dancing provided. Host at your house or your clubhouse. Get a band to donate and really take this party up a notch!
14. Babysitting Night. Agree to host 4 or more kids for a couple of hours so that parents can have date night.
15. Restaurant Donation. We all know that restaurants are hurting this year due to a weak economy. However, what if you asked a restaurant to match your donation? Get a gift certificate at any restaurant and have the restaurant match your certificate.
16. Mr. and Mrs. James Bond for a Weekend. Know any car dealers?? What if a couple was able to rent an Aston Martin or other amazing car for the weekend? Could it include a hotel or resort stay somewhere?
17. A Chef’s Meal at Home. Do you know a chef who would be willing to cook for a party at someone’s house? Maybe give a lecture on organic ingredients? Or how to cook with fresh herbs? Or what about pairing wine?
18. Box Seats. Do you know of someone or a company who has box seats to the Raiders, As, Giants or 49ers? Do they want them for a Green Day or American Idol concert? Could they donate the box seats for a concert?
19. Immediate Reservation. Could you get an immediate reservation at French Laundry or other restaurant who is booked months in advance?

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